Tuesday evening, (13th Dec. 1881) was late to prayer meeting owing to Alf and Miss Mason being late from Spalding; very glad I went; for very few were there; Miss Pinchbeck offered prayer very sweetly and fervently, dwelling most upon those who were near to the kingdom but not yet in, Oh might they not at last hear the word depart and see the door closed. As I went along I said “Oh God I feel to vile to come into thy presence”, but the thought immediately followed “Thou hast bid the weary and heavy laden come to thee, etc” As has often been the case with Mr. Nichol he echoed these words by talking for a few moments from the last verses of the 11th Matthew “Come unto me etc.” I never knew any minister who has more often appeared to be led into precisely the same train of thought as myself; I trust he may be spared for many years and be led more and more to know the deep things of God. Our meetings are very simple and far too humble for men of the world to countenance but I enjoy them immensely and shall always remember them.”