March 7th 1884 I am rather weary of waiting and hope soon to have the object of our solicitude to care for and attend to. I pray to be spared to those who love me.

April 21. I would now record the Lord’s wondrous mercy in bringing me safely through the last month and answering our many prayers. His ways with us have been rather perplexing, but as time passes they prove always the right and best. I have regained strength much quicker than in Jan 1883 and my precious little daughter has been a great delight to me every day. When I look at her she seems as lovely an object for me to call my very own and a closer bond of union between dear Tom and myself.

He is most tenderly affectionate to us both and I want by each look and act to add to his joy. The baby has been of a restless turn but now seems to be taking an opposite one and sleeps much more. I did feel amazingly perplexed for the first 10 days after nurse left me for the hindrance dear baby caused was a new thing for me; I hope now to take it with a more quiet mind.  Above all I want God’s gracious direction in respect to training it even from now; to help me mould its habits so that it may be a comfort to itself and us. Lord help me is my hourly prayer. We took tea at Grandpa’s on the 14 day of darling’s little life and yesterday (Sunday 20th) one calendar month we had tea and supper at dear Mrs. Goddard’s; spent a most pleasant evening. 6:30 pm have just now for the first time laid her down awake and lulled her off to sleep.

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