

New Year's Resolutions: Trading One Dramatic Resolution for 10,000 Little Ones

Article by Paul Tripp. Paul David Tripp is a pastor, author, and international conference speaker. He is the president of Paul Tripp Ministries and works to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. This article is taken from the Desiring God website. I’ve told the story many times of talking impatiently with my wife one Sunday morning [...]

New Year's Resolutions: Trading One Dramatic Resolution for 10,000 Little Ones2017-02-23T18:09:06+03:00

The Kingdom of Christ Pt. 2: A Theological Overview

In a previous blog I presented an overview of the biblical data on the Kingdom of Christ. Let's consider now the theological significance of this kingdom. Christ’s authority to rule in the kingdom is given to him by the Father because He is victorious in the conflict: “His [Jehovah’s] right hand and his holy arm, [...]

The Kingdom of Christ Pt. 2: A Theological Overview2017-02-23T18:09:06+03:00

The Kingdom of Christ Pt. 1: A Biblical Overview

When Christ began His earthly ministry, the message He preached was clear: “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17; 9:35). His preaching, which was in conjunction with His work recorded in the four gospels, forms the historical basis of the kingdom message. At the end of each gospel we read Christ’s [...]

The Kingdom of Christ Pt. 1: A Biblical Overview2017-02-23T18:09:06+03:00

Lessons of 2013 … Blessings in 2014

2013 will soon be history—the subject of examination rather than experience. The next few hours will be a time of hindsight and resolve for the future. Grace is often wrapped up in hindsight and future happiness locked in our understanding of the past. Like the Christmas gifts we have recently opened it is only when [...]

Lessons of 2013 … Blessings in 20142017-02-23T18:09:07+03:00

Duck Dynasty Controversy on Homosexuality

Who is Phil Robertson? I don’t watch Duck Dynasty and up until very recently had little knowledge of Phil Robertson. But it has been impossible to avoid the firestorm that followed his comments on homosexuality in a recent interview. Robertson professes to be a Christian and said that homosexuality was a sin. Before [...]

Duck Dynasty Controversy on Homosexuality2017-02-23T18:09:08+03:00

The Gospel: Christ, Our Life.

A compilation of quotes from preaching at the FPCNA Youth Camp (summer 2013): Compiled by Luke Cleland and graphic design by Seth Carper.

The Gospel: Christ, Our Life.2017-02-23T18:09:08+03:00

Practicing the preached Word

The following is a summary  of the chapter "Practicing the preached Word" (used with permission) The Westminster divines said that “it is required of those that hear the word preached, that they ... meditate, and confer of it in their hearts, and bring forth the fruit of it in their lives” (Larger Catechism, Q. 160). [...]

Practicing the preached Word2017-02-23T18:09:11+03:00

Listening to a Sermon

The following is a summary  of the chapter "Receiving the preached Word" (used with permission) The Word of God must engage both the minister and the listener. Growth cannot take place if the listener does not profit from the Word. That reception involves, as the Westminster divines put it, that ”those that hear the word [...]

Listening to a Sermon2017-02-23T18:09:11+03:00
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