

Dr. T. T. Shields on Roman Catholicism: Pt. 2. “A Powerful International Political Organization”

Two related issues formed the impetus of Shields’ fight with Roman Catholicism in Canada. The first was the theological and spiritual danger of Roman Catholicism which we have previously considered. The second was the Roman Catholic monopoly that separated Quebec from the rest of Canada and obstructed national unity. Donald Wicks presented the issue very [...]

Dr. T. T. Shields on Roman Catholicism: Pt. 2. “A Powerful International Political Organization”2020-03-31T15:28:10+03:00

Dr. T.T. Shields on Roman Catholicism: Pt. 1. Theologian and Pastor

On June 15, 1949, an article appeared in Maclean’s Magazine featuring Dr. T.T. Shields of Toronto; the title was “The Battling Baptist.” This perception of Shields as a controversialist, rightly or wrongly, has become the most defining feature of his life and ministry. In some respects, it is understandable how this perception has developed; there [...]

Dr. T.T. Shields on Roman Catholicism: Pt. 1. Theologian and Pastor2020-03-24T23:23:26+03:00

Why do Pastor’s Kids Go Wild?

"...how similar the Christian life and ministry is no matter where you go in the world. We have the same basic needs; though different on many levels, yet so similar." Monday afternoon class at our collage here in rural Africa is a little different. We have a discussion class, when the teachers sit at the [...]

Why do Pastor’s Kids Go Wild?2019-01-21T23:13:46+03:00

Characteristics of a Healthy Church

It is important to distinguish between a true Church and a healthy Church. Five of the seven churches in Asia minor were “true Churches” but they had serious health problems. Some were dying a slow and silent death. So, it is important to be able to identify health concerns and to work towards a healthy Church. [...]

Characteristics of a Healthy Church2019-01-21T23:20:03+03:00

Thoughts on Daily Devotions

The Christian has a threefold duty towards a daily interaction with Scripture; to read, to search (John 5:39; Acts 17:11) and to memorize/meditate (John 15:7-8; Colossians 3:16; Joshua 1:8; Proverbs 2:1-6, 7:1-3; Psalm 119:11). The needs are very simple for this spiritual discipline; a copy of the Scriptures, an ability to read, and time and [...]

Thoughts on Daily Devotions2017-12-29T07:10:12+03:00

A. W. Pink: The Pioneer of a Modern Reformation (Pt. 2: The Fruit of Faithful Study)

A. W. Pink (1886-1952) By all accounts the life of A. W. Pink is a phenomenon. John MacLeod, in his spiritual history of the Ilse of Lewis (Banner of the West, 2010), where the Pinks spent their last days and where they are both buried, is not at all favorable to Arthur Pink [...]

A. W. Pink: The Pioneer of a Modern Reformation (Pt. 2: The Fruit of Faithful Study)2017-02-23T18:07:37+03:00

A. W. Pink: The Pioneer of a Modern Reformation (Pt. 1: A String of Failures)

The past sixty years in the evangelical church has witnessed a deepening interest in reformed literature and a resurgence of reformed theology; it is, in some respects, a modern Reformation. Much of this has been attributed to the ministry of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) of Westminster Chapel, London. There is no doubt that Dr. Lloyd-Jones [...]

A. W. Pink: The Pioneer of a Modern Reformation (Pt. 1: A String of Failures)2017-02-23T18:07:48+03:00
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