

How can I know God’s will? (2)

Having considered two basic assumptions that must inform our effort to know God's will, we move on to look at a Biblical example of a person seeking and knowing God's will. In Genesis 24, Abraham sends his chief servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. He did not want Isaac to marry a [...]

How can I know God’s will? (2)2017-02-23T18:10:25+03:00

How can I know God’s will?

There are few questions more pressing for a young person than, "How can I know God's will?" Decisions about education, career, finances, and relationships loom over us, and it is only natural to be intimidated. How do we approach these decisions in a thoroughly Christian way? Here are two basic assumptions that must undergird our [...]

How can I know God’s will?2017-02-23T18:10:25+03:00
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