Reading: So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work. Nehemiah 4:6

When Nehemiah heard of the destruction and desolation of Jerusalem, he was profoundly moved. When he listened to the report of Hanani he was unable to stand; he was compelled to sit down and weep. 

Nehemiah’s tears soon gave way to prayer. Those early stirrings increased until this godly man felt the need to go to Jerusalem and commence the rebuilding of the walls. It was a momentous work and one that provoked opposition and involved many trials. But Nehemiah was a man with a burden and when he relayed what was on his heart to others, they willingly surrendered themselves to the task. They were men who had a mind to work.

God uses men and women who have a mind to work in His service. Spiritual laziness and slothfulness have no place in the behavior of a Christian. God calls for earnestness. He would not have us to be taken up with the things of this world, but He would have us surrendered to the spread of the gospel. As Nehemiah found, serving Christ will involve trials and troubles. There will be opposition and difficulties. We will have to battle weariness. There will be times when progress will seem painfully slow. The work will be hard and at times hindered by unforeseen circumstances. None of these things stopped Nehemiah. His burden remained and the people continued to have a mind to work.

This is the desperate need in the church of Christ. Time is short. Our responsibilities are great. Souls need to be won. The work must go on, and Christ calls for labourers. Are we willing to give ourselves to this great cause? Are we burdened enough to go? Are we ready to set our minds to the cause of Christ and our hands to the plough of Christian service?

“Ministry that costs nothing accomplishes nothing.” J. H. Jowett

Taken from A Word in Season edited by Alan Cairns, 2010. Used by permission.