
Part of the miracle of divine inspiration is the juxtaposing of the “very word of God” with the thought, emotion, and character of the human writer. It is hard to read the first chapter of Philippians and not see the sentimental heart of the apostle Paul in the inspired expression of Scripture. If we could paraphrase a few verses from the first chapter of Philippians Paul says, “When I remember you, it is always with thankfulness

[verse 3]; when I pray, I always pray for you and it is always with joy [verse 4]; when I think of you, it is always with the deepest heartfelt affection [verse 7]; and I would have given myself for your good as Christ gave Himself for the Church [verse 8].” What an outpouring of appreciation and love for the believers at Philippi! Paul was the theologian par excellence, but his intellectual ability never got in the way of his loving heart. He was unashamedly affectionate. Let us not be afraid to show a loving and tender heart; it reveals a loving and tender Saviour.

Reading: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”—Philippians 1:3