
Reading: “Because she judged him faithful who had promised.”—Hebrews 11:11

I admire what the Holy Ghost has recorded here of Sarah’s faith. After what we read of the weakness of her faith at first, I cannot but rejoice in the recovery of the great mother in Israel, through grace; and read with much pleasure, this honourable testimony, which the Holy Ghost Himself gives of her. And I admire yet more, the grace and goodness of the Eternal Spirit, in causing it to be handed down to the church, among the list of such worthies.

The faith of Sarah, like that of her husband’s, was all the more illustrious from the seeming impossibilities which lay in the way of the accomplishment of God’s promise. For what the Lord engaged to do, was contrary to the whole course of nature. But what was that to Sarah? All she had to do was to consider the promise and keep an eye upon the Almighty Promiser. Sarah’s faith might say, “If there are difficulties in the way, that is God’s business, and not mine.… My business is to believe; it is God’s to work.” Here was an act of illustrious faith and the sequel of Sarah’s history shows how well founded it was.

But the Holy Ghost explains how this faith was accomplished: “because she judged him faithful who had promised.” Now, Christian, see to it, that you make the same grand cause the foundation of your faith, namely, Jehovah’s faithfulness. Depend on it that every promise of the gospel, even Jesus, with all His fullness, you can rely on and you will be always able to do it, as long as you make the same perfection of Jehovah your confidence—“because she judged him faithful.”

While you rest on His faithfulness, you rest on the Rock of Ages, which can never give way: and every difficulty, or seeming impossibility, which comes between the promise and the accomplishment has no more to do with the thing itself, than the tide has with unsettling the rock on which it crashes.

Taken from The Poor Man’s Evening and Morning Portions by Rev. Robert Hawker, Works, Vol. 8; 1830. Edited by Aaron Dunlop for thinkgospel.com ©2013.