Reading: “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27:17)

Daily DevotionalsSeek Godly friends who will help you to grow. Observe those in your congregation who are more mature and godly. Befriend them, because “iron sharpens iron.”

One man said that “his best friends were all dead.” He was referring of course to the authors of books. Get yourself some good books that will engage your mind, feed your soul and lead you to prayer. Consider your minister also as a help to holiness, it will both encourage him and help you. Choose holy friends; holy conversation among holy friends stirs up the gifts within us and sharpens the graces of holy conversation, thinking and meditation. Do all in your power to live above the sin of the world and the indifference and mediocrity of others around you in the Church; it is will be strength to your soul and a means of drawing others up.