Reading: “O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth”—Psalm 96:9

Church worship is often thought of in terms of “meeting my needs.” The goal of Christian worship, however, is the glory of God’s name. Worship therefore should be a means of helping me to understand God—who He is, what He requires of me, what pleases Him, etc. Many churches today downplay the elements of holiness and fear in the worship service. When we go to church we ought to know that the “in here” is different from the “out there,” that we are to worship God in the beauty of holiness. The sinner must know that it is a “fearful thing” to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31) and the Christian must be helped to beautify his life and home with godliness and holiness (1 Timothy 2:2).

Rev. Paul Thompson (N. Ireland)